A. Quick and First Step Response
Identification of Evidence
Criminal Complaint And Prosecution Intervention
Precautionary Measure
Customs Intervation
Damaging Stages
Action for Cessation of Infringement
Action for Removal of Infringement
Action for Monetary Compensation
Moral Compensation Case
C. Interference In The Registration Of Similar Varieties
In the event that the breeder’s right application contains identity or high similarity with an existing variety, objections to this application shall be made to the Ministry within three months from the date of publication of the application in the Bulletin. Objections may be lodged on the grounds that the variety is not new, different, uniform and established or that the applicant is not the right holder or that the name proposed for the variety is not in accordance with the Law. In particular, objections to applications for varieties that are not considered to be different from the applicant’s own variety or whose name is similar to the applicant’s own variety name or trademark are important for the right holders to protect their own breeder rights.
A lawsuit may be filed for the invalidation of the breeder’s right in cases where it is understood that the variety for which the breeder’s right has been established does not meet the conditions of novelty, difference, uniformity or stagnation at the date of application, or that the registration of the breeder’s right has been made on behalf of an unauthorised person.